Institute for Latin American and Iberian Studies (ILAIS)
620 Michigan Ave NE
McMahon Hall, Suite 111
Washington, D.C. 20064
October, 2024
Ref. Call for Applications - Faculty Research Grant - Ambroggio Family Foundation Research Fund (Fall 2024)
To: Faculty members of The Catholic University of America
The Institute for Latin American and Iberian Studies (ILAIS) at The Catholic University of America is pleased to announce a CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - Faculty RESEARCH GRANT offered through the Luis Alberto Ambroggio Family Foundation Research Fund for the Fall Semester of 2024.
About ILAIS. The Institute for Latin American and Iberian Studies (ILAIS) is a multidisciplinary intellectual forum for learning, research and dialogue that serves as an umbrella organization on Latin American and Iberian studies and initiatives at The Catholic University of America. The aims of ILAIS include to advance the University’s standing in Latin America, to further knowledge and awareness of this region’s trials and contributions, and to strengthen scholarship and educational offerings across the University in order to foster an academic community interested in the region.
The Ambroggio Family Foundation Research Fund. The Ambroggio Family Foundation Research Fund has been established at ILAIS to support interdisciplinary research on Hispanic affairs in a variety of areas. Ambroggio Family Foundation Research Fund grants are designed to advance projects on issues relevant to Hispanic America, while forming a collaborative network of academics within the University experienced in the region.
Call for Applications - Faculty Research Grant - Fall 2024:
Subject. Grants will be awarded to support faculty working with Latin American studies, more precisely, on Hispanic-oriented topics.
Scope. Projects should focus on significant themes in the area of Hispanic affairs. Applications that use the grant to deepen or expand the scope of ongoing research or to leverage a prolific initiative will be favorably considered. Preference will be given to proposals that nominate University students as research assistants as well as to those that raise Catholic University’s research profile among the broader public.
Grantees. Faculty who are affiliated with The Catholic University of America’s schools, departments, institutes and academic centers qualify to apply.
Amount. Applications up to $5,000 will be accepted.
Requisites. Requirements for the 2024 Faculty Research Grant (Fall Semester) - ILAIS Ambroggio Family Foundation Research Fund are:
. To be a faculty whose area of concentration and/or studies center in Hispanic America.
. To be formally affiliated with a Catholic University of America School, department, institute or academic center.
. To identify the name, CV and contact information of the lead researcher (applicant), and a list of all other researchers, if any, including University students;
. To present a proposal not exceeding 5 pages containing (a) a statement of purpose and a description of the academic merit of the project; (b) a section explaining how the overall rationale of the project relates to the scholar’s academic trajectory and background, as well as to the ILAIS mission; (c) an enumeration of expected results, and a timeline of activities and deliverables (when and where findings will be presented. Deliverables include case studies, white papers, databases, chapters of a book, journal articles, and others of similar nature); (d) an itemized budget and justification of funds.
Grant Period. Faculty must use funds within 10 months of the awarding of the grant. Any extension requests must be submitted 3 months before the end of the grant with a clear justification to be evaluated by ILAIS.
Post-Grant period. Beyond the proposed deliverables, grantees should write a description of their work summarizing the results and submit it to ILAIS. Funds that are not spent during the grant period must be returned.
Deadline and submission. Deadline for applications is November 30th, which must be submitted to the Questions may be directed to the same email address. Decisions will be communicated to applicants by December 15th.
Thank you for your interest. Gracias por su interés.
The Institute for Latin American and Iberian Studies - ILAIS
Director Livia Lopes