“The University in Service to Society: Perspectives of The Office of Global Strategies during the Pandemic”

Published in “A Funçao Social Da Universidade: Diálogos Além Fronteiras¨

Duilia de Mello and Livia Lopes

Duilia de Mello, Ph.D., physics professor and Vice Provost of Global Strategies, along with Livia Lopes, J.D., associate director of ILAIS and OGS, co-authored “The University in Service to Society: Perspectives of the Office of Global Strategies during the Pandemic”. It was recently published as a part of the book compilation, “The social function of the University: Dialogues beyond frontiers”.

¨Out of the blue, institutions of higher education across the world had to interrupt in-person classes and activities of all sorts and bring back students who were attending Study Abroad programs…we describe how the Office of Global Strategies (OGS) at The Catholic University of America… has faced the pandemic situation and used these times to re-think its purpose and give back to the community. Moreover, we present how OGS is dealing with the required reshaping of the social responsibility of higher education,” de Mello and Lopes wrote. The article also includes sections about the Committee on Racism and Social Justice and ILAIS, along with University partnerships and virtual opportunities.

To read more, click here.


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